
Ted Sannella and Jean Davis at their wedding reception dance, 5 June 1954, Wellesley Congregational Church. (They were actually married on June 12th.)
Ada Page and Ted Sannella moving supplies, June 1954
Ted Sannella and Tod Whittemore ham it up at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, early 1990s.
Ted on stage at Round Hill, CT, July 11, 1988
Ted and his famous red shirt
Ted and Jean at camp, 1990. Notice Ted’s belt buckle!
Ted and Jean on the dance floor
Ted Sannella (before the red shirt and belt buckle)
Ted Sannella, the Dean of New England Callers
Ted on stage at Vermont dance festival, 1950s
Ted wrote Quadrille Joyeux to accompany a Quebecois tune: Joy of the Dance
Ted getting started as a caller, 1940s. The photo has “McJannet’s” as a caption.
Even as a young caller, Ted would go onto the floor to demonstrate.
Ted Sannella, 1940s
Ted leading a Balkan kolo. We think today of Ted as a leader of American contras and squares, but in the 1950s Ted was the folk dance editor for Northern Junket magazine. Ted organized bus trips for folk dancers to attend kolo festivals in New York City. These were sponsored by the Folk Dance House (founded by Michael and Mary Ann Herman).
Ted Sannella, pharmacist, 1963, representing Richardson Drug Store, Concord, MA
Ted Sannella, 1967
Ted Sannella at Pinewoods, 1980s, planning a program
Ted Sannella calling, late 1970s. Musicians: Art Hosford, piano; Cal Howard, accordion, Vince O’Donnell, fiddle and electric guitar; Marianne Sannella (Ted’s daughter), fiddle
Ted demonstrating on the floor, dance camp in Big Fork, Montana, September 1991
Who is that man in the red shirt surrounded by all the ladies?
Ted calling at NEFFA, probably in Natick, year unknown